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3 Big Mistakes in Email Marketing and How to Avoid Them

4 min


26. July 2021
3 Big Mistakes in Email Marketing and How to Avoid Them 1 Veronika Mikec je redna študentka, pisateljica blogov in bodoča revolucionarka.
3 Big Mistakes in Email Marketing and How to Avoid Them 1 Veronika Mikec is a full-time student, writer, and future revolutionary.


It’s no secret that email marketing is a powerful marketing and promotional tool that should be in every company’s repertoire. A good e-mail campaign attracts new customers, which helps your company to gain recognition, and helps you climb up the corporate ladder. However, if your emails don’t bring in orders, you may be the victim of hidden and small mistakes that greatly affect the success of your business. But no worries! Once you learn to recognize these mistakes, you will immediately be on your way to success in email marketing. Here is a list of the most common pitfalls in email marketing that should be avoided.

1. Without a clear call to action

A call to action is the most important element of email marketing, as it informs your subscribers about the most important part of your message. It tells your customers what you want them to take from what they read, and what they should do in the coming days – the call to action can therefore vary considerably. For example, you can invite subscribers to spread important news with your acquaintances and co-workers, persuade them to attend the next business conference, or invite them to take part in a prize draw in which they can win various promotional gifts.

The content of your message should therefore focus on your central goal, which you seal with a short, simple and engaging call to action. But how to deal with it? Here are some tips:

The call to action should stand out from the rest of the text. This means making it more noticeable with bold print, vibrant colors, or even a working button that is sure to grab the attention of even those who don’t have time to read the full text. This way you can be sure that each of the subscribers takes away the most important thing from your message.

Make the call to action interesting and engaging. If your call to action is boring or too general, your readers are sure to overlook it. To avoid this, you can use action words that evoke a sense of urgency. You can use these in phrases like “Start saving today” or “Buy now”.

Repeat your call to action several times. Repeating the call to action clearly tells readers how to take advantage of the offer presented to them. But definitely don’t rely on repeating the same phrase – if you want your call to action to actually bear fruit, reverse your original phrase a bit. While your readers will not consciously perceive the repetition of words, they will subconsciously detect the repetition of the main message.

2. Unprofessional Look

The Internet is very similar to the Wild West. You never know what will enter through the salon door, especially if the salon is your email inbox in this metaphor. Email users are often skeptical of new email senders until they prove to be trustworthy. If your emails are inconsistent or unprofessional, most readers will just skip over or delete your message. In the worst case, however, there is a possibility that subscribers will simply block your company’s email address in the hopes of avoiding potential danger.

To convince your readers to trust you, follow these tips:

Incorrect spelling and grammar are the main feature of unsolicited email that tries to trick the recipient. If you haven’t thoroughly reviewed your email, don’t send it! Proofread the text in detail, and have one of your coworkers look it over before sending it. This way you can be sure that you have not missed any unpleasant mistakes.

Unexpected e-mail attachments are synonymous with viruses. Emails with attachments often roam straight to the bin, as the recipient wants to make sure their computer does not get infected with an unwanted virus. However, some companies block emails with attachments, so the reader may not even receive your message.

Emails that are too informal are likely to trigger some red flags. Before you send an email, ask yourself: does this look like something a scammer would send? To build trust with the recipients, include the contact information and headquarters of your company in the message. Always look over your content before submitting and make sure it is professional.

3. Neglecting Mobile Users

Each of us have opened and read the email on our cell phone before. But has it ever happened that the email was not only displayed awkwardly, but was also quite unreadable? This is the result of neglecting mobile optimization, which is considered one of the biggest but also the most common mistakes of email marketing.

A large portion of your audience is likely to view emails on their mobile device, so designing for these types of devices should be simple. Use short headings and small, easily digestible paragraphs. Don’t sort the text into multiple columns, as this is too chaotic to view on such a small screen. Images should be big enough to be easily visible but not too big so they do not load for too long. The most important thing is to test your email before sending it and view it on your own mobile device to make sure everything is displayed correctly.

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