5 promocijskih daril, ki bodo osvojila potrošnike generacije Z

5 Promotional Gifts that Will Win Over Gen Z Consumers

4 min


21. March 2022
5 Promotional Gifts that Will Win Over Gen Z Consumers 1 Renata Novak je strokovnjak na področju vsebinskega marketinga, digitalnega marketinga in upravljanja blagovnih znamk.
5 Promotional Gifts that Will Win Over Gen Z Consumers 1 Renata Novak is a brand manager, digital marketer and content writer.


You’ve heard of millennials and baby boomers, but how well do you know Generation Z? They are considered to be a fast-growing group of consumers who grew up with technology at their fingertips, which is why they’re characterized by unique dynamics. While past generations have had to adapt to technological advances over time, Generation Z was born with it, so to speak, making them digital natives.

Who are Generation Z?

The exact age limits for this generation have not been determined, but it is estimated that the age range of Generation Z is 10 to 25 years. Generation Z therefore consists of individuals born between about 1997 and 2012.

In 2020, Generation Z already accounted for as much as 40% of all consumers, making them impossible to overlook. Social media and WiFi have been parts of their lives ever since they were little. They can adapt to new technologies extremely quickly, and they have several different platforms available to find the products or services they want. They are a fairly independent generation that uses technology not only to solve problems, but also to learn new things and connect with friends.

But why target Generation Z? After all, it is made up of a significant proportion of children and teenagers, few of whom can afford independent shopping. Although it is true that members of this generation are just growing up, that is why they are much easier to impress and be confident in buying. At the same time, by giving gifts to this generation, you can gain even more exposure for your company or brand – many members of the generation like to share their lives online, so posting a product with your logo or publicly thanking you by tagging your social profiles can increase visibility.

Here is a list of five promotional gifts that will convince Generation Z to invest in your business.

Mobile phone accessories

At the time the first iPhone was introduced, the oldest members of Generation Z were only about 10 years old. This means that this generation literally grew up with smartphones. On top of that, because they like to stay connected with their friends, family members, as well as co-workers, the average Generation Z member spends up to 15 hours a week on their devices – so mobile phones are an extremely important part and a significant part of their lives.

For these reasons, mobile accessories are a promising investment – promotional gifts in the form of phone cases, pendants, cases, photo lenses will provide your brand with constant exposure.

Smart technology

We know that Generation Z is the most connected generation to date, so technological promotional products are a surefire way to get their attention. The latest technology is often a status symbol; and for the generation that values ​​attractive and up-to-date products the most, this marketing idea is ideal.

Unique technology gifts such as Bluetooth headsets, wireless chargers and speakers will surely convince potential customers to work with your company. Of course, you can always go a step further – surprise customers and business partners with something completely innovative, such as two-in-one products (for example, a mouse pad that doubles as a wireless charger).

Kitchen Accessories

Gen Z is very independent, which is also noticeable in the kitchen. With resources like YouTube and online blogs, recipes and cooking instructions are readily available, so this generation swears by home cooking.

Because of their autonomy in the kitchen, personalized kitchen utensils are great promotional products for Generation Z. These can be items such as kitchen scales, measuring cups, cutting boards, aprons, and more and more! At the same time, such products further encourage Generation Z to branch out in the kitchen and create something completely new!

Environmentally friendly products

More and more younger people are opting for an environmentally friendly way of life – more than ever – and companies are adapting to this by providing more environmentally friendly alternatives to everyday products. Almost 80% of Generation Z have expressed serious concern about the impact of humanity on our planet.

From bags to water bottles and pens, there are many eco-friendly items you can use to promote your business.

Planners and calendars

Gen Z is a group of motivated individuals who are excited about their future, and many of them want to start their own business one day. Planners are a trendy product that they are very likely to use to record their daily tasks and perhaps also steps to achieve their goals. The ability to completely personalize physical planners keeps them more popular than generic mobile apps.

A significant proportion of the generation Z believes that modern design is extremely important. Keep this in mind when designing custom planners and calendars – think outside the box and get creative with your colors, patterns and letters.

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