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Three Simple Recipes for Natural Cleaners

4 min


19. July 2021
Three Simple Recipes for Natural Cleaners 1 Veronika Mikec je redna študentka, pisateljica blogov in bodoča revolucionarka.
Three Simple Recipes for Natural Cleaners 1 Veronika Mikec is a full-time student, writer, and future revolutionary.


Many people want to enter their New Year with a healthier lifestyle – and why not start working on your New Year’s vows today? It is never too early to change bad habits. However, since I also know that gym visits are not everyone’s cup of tea, we can approach a healthier everyday life in a different, less active way.

Part of my New Year’s vow is also to avoid as many chemicals as I possibly can, since I encounter them every day. So, by combining the two ideas, I came up with an ideal solution that will benefit not only my health, but also the cleanliness of my apartment – natural cleaners! Before you give me a weird look, keep reading – I searched up three alternatives to toxic cleaners that I really never want to inhale again while washing dishes, cleaning windows, floors and other surfaces in my home. With completely natural ingredients, it is possible to conjure up fragrant cleaners that do not contain even a speck of chemicals.

Why Replace Conventional Cleaners?

The cleaners we use every day – when washing dishes, cleaning windows, floors, bathrooms – have a high number of chemicals whose names are too complicated to pronounce. These cleaners, which touch our sensitive skin, also contain pesticides – 60% of all pesticides are consumed at home without realizing it! And not only during cleaning, but also during the use of ‘clean’ plates, glasses, utensils…

These same chemicals are also found in fragrances and detergents, which ensure the good smell of our clothes – on the other hand, they also cause various allergies and irritate our skin. The same could be said for some other chemical products – it has been proven that some shampoos and other hair care products are actually carcinogenic! With all these products, we not only clean our homes, but also contaminate them with numerous toxins and chemicals.

For these reasons, it is more important than ever to avoid products full of chemicals and replace them with natural cleaners that will not only clean our homes, but also contribute to our overall health. As an added bonus, many home-made cleaners will save you money each month!

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Basic Alternatives

Here’s three recipes for natural cleaners that will make your apartment shine in its most beautiful light. The ingredients are something you’ll probably find right at home, since we use most of them on the daily.

Homemade Disinfectant

With this completely natural home-made disinfectant, your kitchen countertops will light up in an instant, and, in addition, the fresh smell of lemon will nicely scent your kitchen. All you’ll need is:

  • 30 ml of white vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons baking soda
  • 1 litre of hot water
  • 1/2 lemon

Pour vinegar and hot water into a small bucket and stir in baking soda. Squeeze half a lemon into the mixture – you can also throw the peel into the bucket for a few minutes to make it easier to fill the disinfectant with the smell of lemon. Stir until the baking soda dissolves, then allow the disinfectant to cool and remove the lemon peel. Using a funnel, carefully pour it into a spray bottle and label it.

Homemade Glass Cleaner

This homemade cleaner will save you some money while at the same time completely replacing the toxic chemicals that are usually hidden in commercial products. To make it you will need:

  • white vinegar as a base
  • 120 ml rubbing alcohol (optional)
  • 120-500 ml of water (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon corn starch (optional)

Ordinary white vinegar alone without any additives works surprisingly well, but it is not exactly the best glass cleaner, as it leaves traces. Nevertheless, in case you do not have other ingredients on hand, it is a great alternative to chemicals in cleaners that we buy in stores.
If you have rubbing alcohol on hand, measure out about 120 ml and pour it into the same amount of water. Add a tablespoon of white vinegar, mix well and clean those glass surfaces! This blend is quite comparable to those you buy at the store, but it is also one of the most popular recipes for homemade natural cleaners. If you do not have alcohol, you can replace it with a tablespoon of corn starch – mix it in 30 ml of white vinegar and about 470 ml of warm water. With this secret ingredient, your mirrors and windows will shine – and this cleaner leaves no traces!
For an even better cleaner, combine all four ingredients (60 ml of alcohol, 60 ml of white vinegar, a tablespoon of corn starch, 470 ml of warm water) – I have never held a cleaner in my hands that would clean glass surfaces better! Shake the mixture in the spray bottle well before use, as corn starch may settle to the bottom.

Homemade Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Of all the rooms in your home, it is most important to keep your bathroom tidy. And because we never know what is hidden in store-bought cleaners, it is better to make them ourselves! You will need:

  • 95 g of baking soda
  • 180 ml of white vinegar
  • 10 drops of tea tree oil
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil

In a bowl, mix the baking soda and both essential oils. Only add vinegar at the very end – due to the reaction between baking soda and vinegar (foaming), this cleaner is for single use only. It cannot be stored like most home-made cleaners. When cleaning, simply pour it over the sides of the toilet bowl and rub with a brush.

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