8 načinov, da v letu 2023 dosežete vse svoje cilje

8 Ways to Achieve All Your 2023 Goals

4 min


26. December 2022
8 Ways to Achieve All Your 2023 Goals 1 Renata Novak je strokovnjak na področju vsebinskega marketinga, digitalnega marketinga in upravljanja blagovnih znamk.
8 Ways to Achieve All Your 2023 Goals 1 Renata Novak is a brand manager, digital marketer and content writer.


We have reached the last week of this year; the New Year holidays are upon us, dedicated to celebrating and spending time with our loved ones. Despite the festive atmosphere, for many people there is also a fear of the coming new year in the background, as new successes and achieved goals are expected of us. This is the time when people think about the changes they want to make not only in their private lives, but also in their business lives. These changes materialise in the form of New Year’s resolutions, which are notorious for the mass procrastination of people who abandon them after just a few weeks.

When it comes to your business decisions, you may want to consider a different approach to help you achieve the results you want. Whether your resolutions involve increasing profits or expanding into a foreign market, it’s important to take them seriously and stick to them. Here are some ways to fully commit to business vows.

1. Set Milestones

The best resolutions are measurable. Instead of vowing to grow your customer base, pick a specific number you want to reach and then make it happen. Decide on a measurable solution that can be achieved sooner rather than later. You probably don’t want to spend all of February trying to achieve your January goals, do you? And remember, when you achieve them, take time out of your busy schedule to celebrate your successes.

2. Make Goals Achievable

If you spend a whole year trying to reach your goal and find that it is still out of your reach, that is the biggest demotivator. Goals must be attainable – otherwise you’re just fiddling while Rome burns. There is absolutely no benefit in striving for unattainable goals; if these are insurmountable, break them down into smaller steps that will seem more manageable.

3. Set Deadlines

Instead of making year-long resolutions, set some deadlines. Make resolutions that can be adjusted each quarter of the year to help you achieve something new. Think of them as little milestones to help you along the way. Adding specific deadlines to your goals creates a sense of urgency to meet them.

4. Evaluate Your Goals Monthly

If you are not actively trying to achieve your goals, thinking about them is a waste of time. If you want to succeed, you need to make this a priority – schedule monthly meetings to see where you are in terms of your goal. Are you on the right track? Does something have to happen or change before you can achieve them? Strategy sessions are important for the future of your business.

5. Plan the Future Carefully

Some activities suffer constantly due to the nature of your priorities; New Year’s resolutions are one of those activities. However, if you plan them and mark them on your calendar or add them to your diary, then you have no choice but to tackle the task. Don’t make excuses; when the time comes, get to work. These types of tasks may seem like a drag on your day, but it’s important to focus on long-term achievements as well as short-term daily efforts.

6. Find Your ‘Why’

It is clear that you want to achieve a goal; but do you know why you want to achieve it? Being aware of your reasons will be a huge motivator in and of themselves and will help you stay consistent. Also, knowing your reasons for wanting to change will make it easier for you to stick to your resolution when the going gets tough. Make a decision that will benefit your business and resonate on a personal level. The ‘why’ should be your reminder.

7. Keep Your Team Up to Date

If the resolution involves more than one person, regularly inform the relevant team or department. This will make everyone prioritise the resolution and allow it to occupy a priority place in everyone’s mind. Writing down resolutions and the practice of communicating progress to others greatly increases the rate of success.

8. Forgive Yourself on Bad Days

We are often too hard on ourselves. If you have a bad day and don’t complete all of your assignments, that doesn’t mean you have to throw the resolution away completely. Some work towards a goal is better than nothing. Don’t give up because of disappointment or fear, just try again.

If you use these strategies regularly, you’ll not only achieve your New Year’s resolutions faster, but you’ll also learn how to better set your goals and develop the patience to achieve them. Perseverance is definitely an important quality to have when it comes to achieving your goals, and so is optimism. No one can expect more from your best. If you know what you want and have written it down clearly with true direction, then you cannot fail.

What Resolutions Can You Make Yourself?

Making a list of resolutions is sometimes difficult – some people rush and list goals that are not achievable in the next twelve months, while others lack imagination when coming up with said goals. We have put together a list of eight resolutions that can be achieved with small changes in your everyday life.

Improve your online presence
Motivate and reward employees
Promote sustainable behaviour in the office
Perfect your brand from every angle
Foster a more positive work environment
Prioritise work-life balance
Develop a more compassionate approach in all aspects of business
Create a clearer plan for the company’s development direction

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