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Effective Ways to Strengthen And Promote the Core Values ​​of Your Company

4 min


24. January 2022
Effective Ways to Strengthen And Promote the Core Values ​​of Your Company 1 Veronika Mikec je redna študentka, pisateljica blogov in bodoča revolucionarka.
Effective Ways to Strengthen And Promote the Core Values ​​of Your Company 1 Veronika Mikec is a full-time student, writer, and future revolutionary.


A clear set of values ​​helps the company support its vision by guiding both employees and employers, promoting a common purpose and building a strong ideology that everyone who is part of the company must strive for. These values ​​become the DNA of the organization and allow it to stand out from the sea of ​​similar providers and competitors. At the same time, it inspires all employees and encourages them to remain mindful of their actions, thoughts and beliefs. From improving departmental cohesion to improving team motivation, to gaining higher productivity, values ​​can be seen as the driving force behind business goals.

But for these values ​​to work, they need to be understood.

Managers are the ones who have written down the fundamental values ​​of the organization, so these seem self-evident to them. But what about other employees in the company? Secretaries, trainees, accountants, trainees, cleaners, lunch makers and other staff must also be aware of these values, so it is essential that understanding them reaches people at all levels of the company. After all, why bother to have core values ​​if no one knows what they are?

So – companies need to translate their philosophy into useful competencies and communicate them in a way that is understandable to everyone; employees, as well as shareholders, customers, supply chain partners and the community as a whole. Only then will people know – “this is us”.

Strengthening the core values ​​of a company is about leading by example and rewarding good behavior. Integrity is key, so it’s also important to take seriously those who violate your company’s code of conduct. Here is a list of ways to communicate company culture and core values:

1. Reward Good Behavior

Pay attention to those in your organization who take your company’s values ​​seriously and have them set an example to others. There are many ways to recognize and reward value-oriented behaviors, including bonuses, business gifts, or monthly rewards – for the latter, the winner can be chosen by employees themselves, through which they’ll learn the most basic values of the workplace.

Rewarding good behavior is the best way to reinforce values and set an example to other team members. Soon after awards are introduced, you can expect more conscious work from employees and, consequently, better results in the workplace.

2. Take Violators Seriously

Employees who do not respect your values ​​are not people you would like to work for your company – it is important that your employees know that too.

Of course, a one-time violation of one of the values ​​is not yet a reason for dismissal. Nevertheless, it is important to inform the employee of the mistake and tell them that you expect their behavior to improve. Everyone happens to forget – but when mistakes are made one after another, they are hard to ignore. Ignoring a bigger number of violations of values ​​will let others know that they do not need to be taken seriously.

Every employee represents your brand, so each of them is responsible for the values, mission and vision of the organization. In the event that you fire someone for violating company standards, it’s important to talk to the rest of the team. With the right approach, you can actually bring your team together.

3. Incorporate Core Values ​​into Every Aspect of Your Work

Core values, as the name suggests, are the values ​​at the core of your business. They must be present in every aspect of the work, no matter how small.

Show your values ​​to everyone. Don’t hide them in a corner of your small business. Frame them and hang them on the wall for employees and customers to see. Post them on your website, on your social media pages, and on any other digital network you can find. The recruitment process, project planning, team meetings and even breaks are also opportunities to promote the company’s values. Strengthening your core values ​​throughout the work day and in every part of the job is the best way to establish a world-class work culture!

4. Communication Should Be Open

Make sure employees are willing to express their concerns or other feedback, as this is the only way to get a chance to improve the work environment. The great side benefit of listening and collaborating is that people learn to trust, and trust is a fundamental element of the core values ​​of any organization.

Only in this way will you be able to create a unified community that will strive for the same goals.

5. Let Employees Know Why the Value Are Important

Values only come to life when employees see what they brings them. If your leadership team needs to assert values, you know that your people are not connected to them – this is the first mistake you need to correct. Combining company values ​​with personal goals of employees breathes life into your people and work culture. When leaders do their job with motivation, values ​​will not have to be enforced.

6. Frequently Return to Your Original Values

One way to strengthen and enforce a company’s values ​​is to review them every year or two and update them with the entire team if possible. You can organize a meeting of all employees, where you review each value of the company and together assess how well you have maintained each of the values ​​throughout the year. This way, you can tackle the lowest scores and correct them with constructive conversations about how you can better uphold these values ​​as a team and as individuals.

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